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name: Format Almond
size: 520x325mm
price: £37.39 Per Square Metre
name: Format Almond Murano Inset
size: 520x325mm
price: £23.50 Each
name: Format Bianco
size: 520x325mm
price: £37.39 Per Square Metre
name: Format Bianco Murano Inset
size: 520x325mm
price: £23.50 Each
name: Harvard White
size: 295x295mm
price: £39.56 Per Square Metre
name: Format Almond Sorgente Listello
size: 325x50mm
price: £17.19 Each
name: Format Bianco Sorgente Listello
size: 325x50mm
price: £17.19 Each
name: Format Best Sigaro
size: 325x20mm
price: £7.04 Each

The Format range is another of our new bathroom wall tiles. This is a beautiful matt finish plain tile with stunning glass insets and borders. This display shows Format Almond on the left wall with the Almond Murano Inset and Almond Sorgente Listello. On the other wall is Format Bianco, with the Bianco Murano Inset and Bianco Sorgente Listello. Running around the top of both walls is the Best Sigaro, which is a silver pencil strip. The floor is tiled with Harvard White, a smooth, rectified floor tile.

There is also another type of inset and border available in the Format range. The Harvard range of floor tiles is also available in Beige, Dark Blue, Dark Green, Light Blue, Light Green and Rosso. Please Enquire for further details.

PLEASE NOTE All prices are including Vat. Prices are subject to change at any time, please check prices before placing an order. We cannot guarantee an exact colour match to the image on the screen, please check with current stock before placing an order.